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MEPF Shop Drawing

IT Outsourcing China is a leading organization that focuses on designing and consultancy for the integrant of Architecture, Engineering, and Construction carried out by CAD-based software. We are a team of a talented working professional whose expertise and experience has woven into the passion and dedication for their role. It is indeed the hard work of our professional which led to prestige and success for IT Outsourcing China. In our circle service, we are also exploring our services on the global platform.

Shop Drawing is a focal point that suggests the designing of a structure through a clear drawing. Likewise, MEPF also has its share of Shop Drawing that shows the various fire fighting component in a structure. A shop drawing is a set of drawings that are mainly fabricated by builder, contractor, sub-contractor, fabricator, and supplier. The Shop Drawing of MEPF is largely critical incorporates installation and coordination shop drawings. MEPF Shop Drawings is mainly the initiation by contractors and suppliers for the owner of the structure. It is their drawn version of the information for the Fire Fighting system. The crucial advantage of MEPF Shop Drawing is that it is more detailed than the construction documents. The main role is to spell out the fabrication or installation of a various component within the Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing, and fire fighting system. The responsibility of a MEPF Shop Drawing is to highlight the particular component of a system/structure ruling out the notation of other components until and unless the integration with the concerned component is required.

Our main MEPF Shop Drawing services :

  • 3D Modeling
  • Fire Fighting System Drawing
  • Fire Safety Drawing
  • HVAC Duct Shop Drawing
  • 3D MEPF Shop Drawings Services
  • Mechanical Shop Drawing
  • Plumbing Shop Drawings
  • Piping Shop Drawing
  • Electrical Shop Drawing

We provide a comprehensive design support for a whole structure that commences from the comprising conceptualization, design development, schematic, tendering and construction supervision. 3D modeling is used for the development of coordinated MEPF Shop Drawing. IT Outsourcing China provides high-quality Drafting, Detailing and 3D Modeling service to Architecture, Engineering, and Construction Industry.

Our Methodology :

  • MEPF Schematic Drawings
  • MEPF Contract Drawings
  • MEPF Drawings Tender
  • MEPF Construction Drawings
  • Digital Modeling
  • Bill of Material
  • Adherence to International Standards
  • MEPF Fabrication
  • Riser Diagrams
  • Schematic Schedule
  • Combined service drawings

IT Outsourcing China is committed to providing revolutionizing MEPF shop Drawing services. We aim to develop and utilize the latest technological advancement in our designing aspect. Our range of services caters to the requirement of residential, commercial, public welfare, institutional, hospital, and fire fighting. We work with each and every client closely led to understand the project clearly.

Why Us :

  • Cost Effective Pricing
  • Transparent working methodology
  • Vast range of services
  • Qualified and experienced Engineers
  • Supportive Consultancy
  • Maximum Efficient Programmes
  • Practical Deliverables
  • Integrated Coordination
  • Clear-cut communication
  • Effective assistant to customers
  • Time Bound Deliverables

For further information on MEPF Shop Drawings, connect with us on

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