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Fire Plan Drawings

IT Outsourcing China is a notable firm that mainly specializes in designing and drafting for the sections and constituent of Architectural, Engineering, and Construction Industry. We are a team of well-versed and certified engineers and technicians take care of a large number of projects that span from Mega structure project to minor improvisation in the drawing. We gradually exploring the organization into an overseas market with high-quality services.

Fire Protection System always need a proper planning simultaneously with a blueprint that comes out in the form of drawing. Whenever a house or building is made, the first section to take care is fire protection. IT Outsourcing China offers a wide variety of Fire protection system drawing/design,ensuring we will be able to deliver the best quality of Fire safety. Before looking into various Fire protection plan, firstly a quick glimpse into Fire protection is needed. By and large Fire protection is the preventive measures taken to avoid the fire by turning it into destructive. In the scenario of Fire protection, three essential ground for executing fire protection measures-

  • Cause of fire
  • Fire Extinguishing Techniques
  • Uses of Detection and Extinguishing Equipment
  • Rules and Regulation for Building Construction
  • Manual or Automatic Detection of fire
  • Design of Building
  • Use of fire resistance in construction
  • Provision for isolating fire

A fire protection process requires to dealing with numerous variable. Our goal is to choose the system/design which is best fit for you that fairly include reliability, simplicity, and ease of service.

Our main Fire Plan Drawing Service :

  • Fire Fighting System CAD Drawings
  • Fire Fighting System Design
  • Fire Fighting System Drawing
  • Fire Protection Drawing
  • Fire Safety Drawing
  • Fire Sprinkler Drawings
  • MEPF Shop Drawing

Fire Protection is an essential and conventional task that require a proper Fire Fighting Planning. Each of the Fire Protection systems has its own unique design and methodology that is custom designed with applicable codes, time and monetary limit as determined by a client as well as the national and international regulations. Many of our Fire Protection systems is consist of specialized features which would work best for your structure/building.

Our Methodology:

  • CO2 Fire Suppression System
  • Deluge Fire Sprinkler System
  • Dry Pipe Fire Sprinkler System
  • In-Rack Sprinkler System
  • Wet Pipe Fire Sprinkler System
  • Pre-action Fire Sprinkler System
  • Foam/Chemical Suppression
  • Gaseous Fire Suppression Systems

IT Outsourcing China is the innovative designer for the various section of MEPF for commercial and industrial applications.Our team of engineers and project managers works closely with clients providing them with a detailed understanding of every undertaken project and benefits of choosing the particular system type.

Why Us:

  • Transparent Working Methodology
  • Broad Range of Services
  • Cost Effective
  • Innovative
  • Cutting Edge Technology
  • Reliable Payment Method
  • Certified and Talented Engineers
  • Ease of maintenance
  • Customer Oriented Approach
  • Time Bound Delivery

For more information on Fire Plan Drawings, kindly connect with us on

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