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MEP Engineering Service Central African

IT Outsourcing China is a leading platform that is dedicated to designing and consultancy for the components and framework for Architecture, Engineering and Consultancy field through CAD-based software. We are a team of expert professionals well-versed with each and every technical aspect accompanied by varied experience in different sectors. Our solutions are not only confined to the native land but also gradually exploring our services to overseas market.

MEP Engineering is an acronym for Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing. It includes the heating and cooling aspect of building (Mechanical), sink and water drainage system (Plumbing) and Electrical wiring of the whole building. Mostly the team of MEP designing is built with engineers and architects. Our MEP engineering task is carried out by Revit that includes Browsing, Conversion, Documentation, and Support. We execute right from the drafting, designing, and documentation of building system. In the present scenario, IT Outsourcing China stands at the forefront that builds the world-class enterprise supported with the cooperation of our valuable client. As a design engineering and designing service provider , we support every size of projects which spans from high-rise buildings to small improvisation in drawing. Our whole and sole aim is to make the journey of client comfortable by taking care of tasks right from concept to completion.

Our Main MEP Engineering Services :

  • MEP coordinated shop drawing
  • HVAC Duct Fabrication Drawing
  • MEP Shop drawing services
  • Building Construction drawing
  • Revit MEP Drafting
  • MEP Outsourcing Services
  • MEP BIM Modeling Services

MEP Outsourcing Service Central African

We offer top of the line MEP Outsourcing services over the globe. In course of making MEP Outsourcing Service, our unparalleled objective are to accelerate the plan while lessening the task cost at the same time. Our solutions are stand up on three components. 1) Seamlessness 2) Experience and 3) Values. Your project will advance in a consistent way with our reasonable and accurate MEP coordination illustrations. The assigned team which incorporates Engineer, architect, contractors workers, manufacturers, designer, and development team effectively coordinate with each other. Our team of specialists makes and conduct your MEP designing and outlines with comprehensive details and absolute professionalism. We comprehend the need of our customer and will work according to the timetable to your MEP design and make it precisely. Our made designs and drawings immaculately portray your project over the different area which empowers an excellent and effective planning.

Our Key Features

  • Outsourcing MEP Design Services
  • Outsourcing MEP Drafting Services
  • Outsourcing MEP Engineering Services
  • Construction Outsourcing MEP Drawings
  • Outsourcing Spool MEP Drawings
  • Outsourcing Prefabrication MEP Drawings
  • Outsourcing Module MEP Drawings
  • MEP Coordination Outsourcing Service
  • MEP Shop Drawing Outsourcing Services
  • Outsourcing Revit MEP
MEP Coordination Outsourcing Service Central African, MEP Shop Drawing Outsourcing Services Central African, Outsourcing Spool MEP Drawings Central African, Outsourcing MEP Design Services Central African, Outsourcing MEP Drafting Services Central African

MEP Shop Drawing Central African

In the construction industry, planning of MEP Shop Drawing and getting it approved by contractors is one of the troublesome tasks. IT Outsourcing China has an awesome skill in MEP Shop Drawing that predominantly incorporate the HVAC, Electric, Plumbing and ductwork layout permits the customers for productive creation, exchange planning, establishment and other related tasks of development and building. A shop drawing is one of the imperative segments of building development. With regards to a huge region of Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing (MEP), Shop Drawing is completely critical due to its fragmented nature. A shop drawing is an arrangement of drawings to be created in the part of the fabricator, manufacturer, contractors, and subcontractors. The concentration of Shop Drawing is mostly on a particular segment or establishment and dispose of the documentation of different segments or establishment all in all until and unless reconciliation doesn't occur.

Our Key Features

  • MEP Drafting Services
  • MEP Shop Drawing Detailing
  • MEP BIM Shop Drawing Services
  • MEP Co-ordination
  • Plumbing Shop Drawings
  • HVAC Duct Shop Drawing Work
  • MEP Shop Drawing Sample
  • MEP Shop Drawing Engineering
  • MEP Coordination Drawings
  • Outsourcing MEP Shop Drawings
  • 3D MEP Shop Drawings Services
  • Duct Work Layout Drawings
  • Mechanical Shop Drawing
  • Plumbing Shop Drawings
  • Piping Shop Drawing
  • Electrical Shop Drawing
Plumbing Shop Drawings Central African, Duct Work Layout Drawings Central African, Electrical Shop Drawing Central African, MEP Drafting Services Central African, MEP BIM Shop Drawing Services Central African

MEP Pre-Fabrication Services Central African

With a developing interest or rather say the need for Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing in building structures, IT Outsourcing China is building up the different MEP solutions for pace up with developing the business sector. One of such MEP specialty is MEP Pre-Fabrication that enables the building parts to be gathered in an offsite, temperature controlled condition in the meantime with the site work and building work. Our Prefabrication idea used by Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing (MEP) has been put to imperative building ventures, for example, shopping centers, hotels, bridges, and major public welfare buildings. Appropriate for planning to supply of applied thoughts, we exceed expectations in quality, cost control and specialized help to offer best practice by always executing demonstrated technologies and development directly through each part of our services.

Our Key Features

  • MEP Construction Services
  • Prefabricated MEP Modules
  • MEP Solutions
  • MEP Pre Fabrication Drawings
  • Pre Fabrication Spool Drawings
  • MEP CAD Drawings
  • Pre Fabrication Pipe Spools
  • Piping Spool Drawing Services
  • Pipe Spool Fabrication Drawing
  • 3D MEP Pre-Fabricated Module

MEP to BIM Service Central African

One of the colossal focal points of Building Information Modeling (BIM) is its combination with different discipline. A standout amongst the most preferred disciplines is Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing (MEP). The mix of MEP with BIM offers a comprehensive plan approach i.e. the MEP part of a building is composed remembering the entire building. With the coming of Building Information Modeling in MEP planning, an update of one area can be naturally connected in other two disciplines all the while. The comprehensive approach of BIM isn't just restricted to the territory of MEP yet, in addition, join the related outlining, documentation, and investigation. Our chosen platform MEP i.e. Revit MEP offers a merged condition of MEP designing when coordinating with BIM.

Our Key Features

  • MEP BIM Services
  • CAD to MEP BIM
  • Consulting of 1) MEP contractors and 2) MEP consultants
  • MEP Building Information Modeling
  • Autodesk BIM MEP solutions
  • BIM for MEP Design
  • BIM for MEP Fabrication
MEP BIM Services Central African, MEP Building Information Modeling Central African, Autodesk BIM MEP Solutions Central African, CAD to MEP BIM Central African, BIM for MEP Fabrication Central African

Revit MEP BIM Service Central African

Our Revit MEP BIM Service is intended to make complex building frameworks with certainty and passion. Revit software underpins architects, contractors, and engineers over the Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing (MEP) claim to fame by executing the complicated of enumerating and coordination with parties associated with the venture. The Revit MEP BIM is worthwhile in different ways that traverse from Integrated planning to manufacture. The incorporation of Revit with MEP and Building Information Modeling (BIM) is a capable combination that returns as the production of the model in Revit, trade the record in accessible configuration and bring it for creation that will use as Shop Drawing and field availability.

Our Key Features

  • Revit MEP services for building construction
  • Revit MEP BIM Modeling
  • Revit Building Information Modeling
  • Revit MEP Drafting
  • Revit MEP BIM Outsourcing Services
  • Revit MEP Modeling
  • 3D Revit BIM Modeling
  • MEP BIM Coordination Modeling Services
  • Revit MEP for BIM Engineering
Revit MEP BIM Modeling Central African, Revit Building Information Modeling Central African, Revit MEP Drafting Central African, Revit MEP BIM Outsourcing Services Central African, Revit MEP Modeling Central African

MEP BIM Coordination Service Central African

Within the MEP BIM Coordination Service, we offer a different scope of solutions which primarily incorporates Piping BIM, Plumbing BIM Coordination, and HVAC BIM that aggregate up the entire Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing services. Each drawing illustrated by our team is point by point, exact, proficient and adhere to the customer models. MEP Coordination Services are one of key service in the confines of MEP and BIM specialization where we are devoted to supporting the customer to illuminate BIM challenges they confront. One of the core skill which we seek with utter passion is giving the spatially organized designs created by MEP specialists to accelerate the BIM challenges. Our fundamental point is to give the customer a chance to settle on ideal business choices by making virtual 3D models within a 3D environment.

Our Key Features

  • MEP BIM Coordination Modeling Services
  • BIM Coordination Drawings
  • MEP Coordination Shop Drawings
  • BIM Coordination Modeling
  • Clash Detection Services
  • Revit MEP BIM Modeling
  • MEP BIM Coordination Services

IT Outsourcing China is a leading integrated MEP service provider that is around for a decade. It has built an enviable reputation for itself that stands out within the range of its contemporaries. We play the potential role of one-stop turnkey provider for all the requirement of MEP which holds proven record globally. We are backed by a strong team of engineers, architects, draftsmen, and consultants that play the biggest role in the achievement of IT Outsourcing China.

Why Us

  • Certified Professional
  • Wide pool of experience
  • Cost Effective Pricing
  • Innovative and Cutting Edge technology
  • Supportive Consultancy
  • Well-Networked
  • Timely Delivery

If you are looking for high-quality MEP Engineering Services, kindly reach us at

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