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Hire Dedicated MEP Engineers

IT Outsourcing China is a leading consultant and designing organization that provides solutions through top-notch CAD-based software in Architecture, Engineering and Construction Industry. Our team of expert professionals well-versed with required software and certified to carry out complex projects. It is indeed the hard work and dedication of our workforce that takes IT Outsourcing China to the zenith of success. We are not only confined to the country but growing our circles to overseas market also.

An organization success and achievement largely depend on the kind of workforce it possesses. We are lucky in this aspect as our Dedicated Engineers are the biggest strength of our flourishing name. In recent years, Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing are one the most desired demand by the client as they constitute the pillar of a building from the point of view of safety and utility. Hence, our team of MEP Engineers is a certified to handle every shape and size of the project. Our Dedicated MEP Engineer carries out each of the undertaken projects in a systematic and ethical manner that resulted in many coveted outcomes. With the growing demand for Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing services in the market, MEP Engineering Careers are also increasing. In our process of Hiring MEP Engineers or rather say hiring dedicated MEP Engineers, we look for a strong team player, outstandingly organized, perform under pressure and able to function within given deadlines. With an in-house team of talented MEP Engineers, we also look to Hire Outsource MEP Engineers and Hire Offshore MEP Engineers. Our team of the workforce is analytical, inquisitive, creative and detail oriented. The goal of our team members is to solve the problems that include the analysis of the situation and in-depth evaluation.

We offer comprehensive design support for all the phases and stages of construction that distinguish as a conceptualization, schematic, design development, construction and tender stages. Our team possesses the competent design expertise. At the designing phase, we list the sustainability requirements, structural factors, and architectural design.

Our Methodology

  • HVAC system construction plan
  • Schematics
  • Schedules
  • Equipment layouts
  • Product Installation Drawings
  • Shop Drawings
  • Preparation of single line diagrams
  • Cable duct/tray routing and control room layouts

At the fabricating of every project, we enable the doors for excellence. Our leadership for undertaking a project lies in the fact that we reach the depth of designing and we have a proven record of innovation to produce bottom-line results. We have a client-centric approach to solve the complex engineering and designing challenges. Our team is trusted experts that lead to producing best of utilities and operational excellence.

Why Us:

  • Industry-focused Expertise
  • Innovative and trustworthy service
  • Competitive pricing range
  • Insightful approach
  • Cathartic Solutions
  • Direct Communication Channels
  • Helpful Consultation
  • Updated and Licensed Software
  • Confidentiality of Data

To equip our qualitative designing and engineering solutions, connect with us at

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