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Hire Wordpress Developer

IT OutSourcing China is Web Development Company working with most recent innovations all the time which empowers our team to work with the updated programming applications. IT OutSourcing China offers the administration to Hire Dedicated Wordpress Developers at extremely reasonable price. This incorporates our expertise in Wordpress Development with the spotless coding structure which gives you error free site. Our Wordpress web developers has broad learning in working Wordpress CMS Framework for many years and giving Wordpress customized solution according to your business requirement of your project. Our service to Hire Wordpress Developers gives you full authority over your project and you will get each and every report and manage various activities on your future projects.

WordPress have risen as a genuine support for so many companies. From making completely modified and dynamic sites within minutes to supporting a vast exhibit of module and applications and unlimited themes combined with simple to manage interface and easy to customize the qualities, WordPress has even significantly more to offer!

Technical Skills of Dedicated Wordpress Developer are:

  • Wordpress development
  • Wordpress Customization
  • Wordpress Implementation
  • Wordpress Theme Creation
  • Wordpress plugin development
  • Wordpress CMS Development
  • Wordpress Custom Design Templates
  • Wordpress Custom Plugin Development
  • Wordpress E-Commerce Development
  • Maintenance Work for Wordpress Portals
  • Wordpress Installation and Configuration
  • Wordpress MU multi-blog site development
  • Wordpress and Wordpress MU Design Integration

Fixed Cost

We do fixed cost based projects after details analysis of your development needs. You can also Hire Wordpress Developers on hourly and monthly basis as per your convenience and requirement. To Hire Wordpress Developer from IT OutSourcing China the rates are as follows:

Full Time Dedicated Developers
  • In the development phase, clients can communicate with the developers Online via IM/Skype/Google Hangout.
  • Regular detailed report of the task that are completed will be sent to the clients via mail or digital project reporting system.
  • IT OutSourcing China shall relocate all source code to owner as and when required.
  • The client, in case, is not satisfied with the services offered by the developers appointed, we shall replace them within 48 hours.
  • The standard rate to Hire Full Time Dedicated Developers are as follows:
  • 8 Hours a day, 40 hours a week.
  • Total : 160 hours a month
  • Initial payment : 50% and Balance after 15 days.
  • 2 Year Experienced: $ 1100
  • 3 Year Experienced : $ 1350
  • 4 Year Experienced : $ 1650
  • 7 Year Experienced : $ 2100
Part Time Dedicated Developers
  • In the development phase, clients can communicate with the developers Online via IM/Skype/Google Hangout.
  • Regular detailed report of the task that are completed will be sent to the clients via mail or digital project reporting system.
  • IT OutSourcing China shall relocate all source code to owner as and when required.
  • The client, in case, is not satisfied with the services offered by the developers appointed, we shall replace them within 48 hours.
  • The standard rate to Hire Part Time Dedicated Developers are as follows:
  • 8 Hours a day, 20 hours a week.
  • Total : 80 hours a month
  • Initial payment : 50% and Balance after 15 days.
  • 2 Year Experienced : $ 650
  • 3 Year Experienced : $ 750
  • 4 Year Experienced : $ 950
  • 7 Year Experienced : $ 1250
Hourly Basis
  • In the development phase, clients can communicate with the developers Online via IM/Skype/Google Hangout.
  • Regular detailed report of the task that are completed will be sent to the clients via mail or digital project reporting system.
  • IT OutSourcing China shall relocate all source code to owner as and when required.
  • The client, in case, is not satisfied with the services offered by the developers appointed, we shall replace them within 48 hours.
  • The standard rate to Hire Dedicated Developers are as follows:
  • Any duration
  • Minimum 8 hours hiring.
  • Initial payment : Minimums 8 hours

  • 2 Year Experienced : $ 10
  • 3 Year Experienced : $ 21
  • 4 Year Experienced : $ 25
  • 7 Year Experienced : $ 35

You can Hire Wordpress Developers from IT OutSourcing China which will give you Wordpress Theme/Template Customization as per your business prerequisite and can incorporate in your Wordpress template or in theme creation with our skilled and professional Wordpress Developers. When we do website development for your project we also deal with the expense for maintenance work for your Wordpress site and give you smooth, active and efficient Wordpress site. Our dedicated Wordpress team group can do system design, custom module development, Wordpress theme / template integration etc.

IT OutSourcing China offers you different models to Hire Wordpress Web Developer according to your requirements, you can decide and select as per your project necessity to fulfill desired project goals for full time dedicated developers with low maintenance and high standard quality.

IT OutSourcing China Provides Following Wordpress Development Services:

  • Portal Development
  • E-Commerce Solutions
  • Real Estate Portal Development
  • Marketplace Solution Development
  • Corporate solution and brand development
  • Social Networking Application Development

Benefits to Hire Dedicated Wordpress Developers from IT OutSourcing China:

  • Access to exclusive, particular and experienced skill set at most competitive rate.
  • Excellent hardware and programming infrastructure supporting quick application development.
  • Best quality benchmarks, strict code traditions and intensive quality assurance testing.
  • Our Dedicated Wordpress Developers works diligently to achieve your business objectives within rigorous delivery time.
  • Interview and select your dedicated expert from substantial pool of trained specialists.
  • Quick Trial Pilot for perfect assessment before investment.
  • No Initial Cost for maintenance, Tax or hidden charges.
  • Comprehensive Data & Information Security infrastructure and regulation.

You can further receive every benefit of WordPress with fast to approach IT OutSourcing China which ensures its clients with 100% percent satisfaction. IT OutSourcing China is a Web Development Company supported up by a profoundly expert group of talented WordPress developers. Outsourcing was never that simple in fact! Outsourcing to IT OutSourcing China guarantees you of a completely functional site in standard with your desires at extremely cost effective rates.

All the experienced developers at IT OutSourcing China works hard to fulfill your expectation according to the set guidelines by following the exact instructions. We are one of the leading Website Design and Development Company and we guarantee you of giving full-fledged communication through the whole web development process. With an expansive number of WordPress development projects added to our portfolio. we further look forward to serving you the most ideal way.

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