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MEPF Engineering Service

IT Outsourcing China is a noteworthy corporation that handles the designing operations within Architecture, Engineering, and Construction through one of the most preferred software-CAD. We have a team of variedly experienced and well-informed engineers whose hard work and dedication reflect the 100% satisfactory results. Our services are not only limited to national market but also reaching the overseas market.

IT Outsourcing China offers a comprehensive collective service of Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing, and Fire Protection (MEPF). Our MEPF Engineering is an essential component for construction and architectural designing. MEPF designing is crucial for cost estimation, conceptual & detailed design, construction planning, documentation, testing, management and operation of the consequential facility. At IT Outsourcing China, we produce world clash MEPF Engineering solutions with 100% guaranteed satisfaction. With the advanced methodology of MEPF processing, our engineers are well equipped with a complex methodology to deliver the productive output. The package/acronym includes the Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing and Fire Fighting for a various niche of facilities ranging from commercial, industrial, residential and public welfare. Our approach to every individual project is solitary and aims to solve the client’s functional needs. Each of the projects is carried out by integration of mechanical, electrical, plumbing and fire protection systems from the conceptualization to construction.

Our MEPF Engineering Services:

  • Electrical 2D Drafting
  • HVAC Duct Design Service
  • HVAC Shop Drawing Service
  • HVAC Duct Fabrication Drawing
  • Plumbing Piping Service
  • Piping Shop Drawing
  • Plumbing CAD Service
  • Piping Fabrication Drawing
  • Fire Coordinated Shop Drawing
  • Fire Fighting System Drawings
  • Fire Protection Drawings

At IT Outsourcing China before commencing the project our involved team first goes through the extensive study of the whole project to take place in practical aspect. The main consulting with the client includes the Feasibility studies, conceptual design & budget consulting. The planning is not only confined to current construction status but it goes beyond after construction till the disaster recovery planning.

Our Methodology:

  • HVAC systems for commercial, industrial, public welfare, social, institutional and pharmeceutical structures.
  • Fuel piping systems
  • Fume exhaust systems
  • Designing of low and medium voltage switchgear
  • Study and coordination of Short circuit, breaker and arc flash
  • Branch Circuit Monitoring
  • Building Automation Systems
  • Potable Water Plumbing
  • Wastewater Plumbing
  • Process Plumbing
  • Fire Alarm and related comprehensive detection systems that include cross zone, aspirating, smoking and heating
  • Fire Protection - water mist, foam fire suppression systems, Wet, pre-action, and gaseous

Being a multi-specialised engineering firm, our in-house team offer solutions for outlying issues. What stands out us amongst the contemporaries is attention to detail and budget-friendly approach. Each of the project undertaken by us is executed by a close cooperation between a well-coordinated team while conducting a sensible and practical construction schedule.

Why Us:

  • Cost Effective Pricing
  • Design of corrective measures
  • Prior identification of coordinating issues
  • Qualified Engineers
  • Experienced Team
  • Adherence to technical codes
  • Confidentiality of client’s data
  • Timely Delivery

For further information on MEPF Engineering Services, kindly refer our contact details.

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